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Kako na naslednji nivo kvalitete življenja?
Če še ne živite življenja, ki bi ga radi živeli, obstaja neka lekcija, neko razumevanje ali znanje, ki ga še potrebujete za ta preskok. Če si predstavljamo, danes živimo naše življenje na nekem nivoju. Na neki ravni kvalitete. Recimo nivo
“Ne pusti smrti ničesar, razen pogorelega gradu”
Grški pisatelj Nikos Kazantzakis je v svojem najbolj znanem romanu Grk Zorba napisal: “Ne pusti smrti ničesar, razen pogorelega gradu” Kaj se lahko iz tega citata naučimo? Pogoreli grad je prispodoba za življenje, ki smo ga resnično živeli. Za življenje,
Znate reči ne?
Pogosto čutite krivdo ali imate slabo vest? Tudi, ko za to vsaj racionalno nimate dobrega razloga? Morda ste za spremembo dali sebe na prvo mesto in v nekem trenutku poskrbeli zase, in ne za nekoga drugega, kot to običajno storite.
Zakaj je tako težko spremeniti slabe navade?
Nekateri problemi in želje, ki pridejo do mene preko obstoječih in potencialnih klientov, se ponavljajo. Vzpostavljanje novih, boljših navad ali opuščanje starih navad, ki nam povzročajo le slabo voljo, je zagotovo eden iz med njih. Zelo pogosto so te navade
Razmišljati na boljši način Če si želiš živeti boljše, drugače, moraš začeti razmišljati na boljši, drugačen način. Kaj mislim s tem? Trenutni način razmišljanja in posledično tvojih dejanj, ti je prinesel življenje, ki ga živiš danes. In takšen način delovanja ti ne more
“Don’t Take Detours on the Way to What You Want”
Embarking on a journey toward the new “thing” you desire in life can be daunting. Whether it’s a yearning for fresh experiences, new connections, work challenges, family dynamics, or different relationships, trust is essential. You need to trust that everything
Are Only Females in touch with their Emotions?
All my clients that I’ve worked with till now have been women. The sample is very small but just one guy ever contacted me expressing interest in what I do. In many groups and seminars on my personal growth journey, I
Physical And Emotional Healing
When I first started physical therapy for my injured shoulder in August 2020, I had 3 goals. The first one was to be able to start with cross-country skiing, the second was to play table tennis again and the
There Has To Be More To Life!
If you are unhappy and wondering “Is this it? Is this what life can offer?” I want to tell you that THERE IS SO MUCH MORE OUT THERE! There really is! You don’t have to be unhappy, you don’t have
Feelings First
If you are not making progress as fast as you would like to in the area of your life, frustration starts building up. Maybe the area is finances, romantic relationships, family, career, etc. You want that area to change, evolve,
“You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.” – Zen Proverb Years ago I thought meditation is some hokey pokey, some weird thing that monks and
13 Lessons For My Future Son Or Daughter
I was playing with the question of what lessons would I really want to leave in this world if I died in the next six or twelve months. If I had a son or a daughter, what life lessons would
Are You Living in The Future?
One of the biggest mistakes we people make is living in the future. But “future” never happens. Because we will always be happy, relaxed, enjoying “in the future”. From the current perspective, 5 years from now is the future. But
Making Better Decision
Facing your past and what is hiding below can be a very daunting task. My experience in digging into the past and discovering why I am feeling what I am feeling, why I am who I am is just so
Challenge Your Current Way of Thinking
If you are currently not happy or satisfied with your life, there are still things you need to learn or understand to get to where you want to be. Many times we think we know something, we think everything is
Start Having Fun
In my “unhappy days” I didn’t do anything fun for years. At least not consistently. I usually enjoyed sports like football and tennis, I enjoyed running, gym, travelling,..etc. But all of this was completely at the bottom of my priority
More of the same IN TEXT The same way of thinking will bring you the same results you are always getting. You can’t be doing the same things all the time and expect different results. If you want to make a change for
Loving Yourself
Our everyday situations are actually a test for us. Because the universe only gives us situations we are able to handle. When we get ourselves in something uncomfortable, we know we have a chance to grow. Uncomfortable situations mean growth.
Bad Habits and How To Break Them
I gained a few kilos during the times of pandemic in 2020. A bit less outdoor activities because of shitty weather, changes in my work – exercise routine because of a new job and…more chocolate and junk food. After I
Change Is Possible
The main message I want to leave in this world is that change is possible. Everything is possible. It is really hard to get out of the hole, but you really have to first stop digging. By staying the same,
8 Books That Made a Big Impact On Me
Today I want to tell you about the books that made a big impact on me. But before I share the list, I would like to mention that I didn’t just read these books. I studied them, I highlighted passages
We are all the same
Talent doesn’t exist The studies of Swedish psychologist Anders Ericsson (I recommend his amazing book “Peak”) show, that having talent or “being born with it”, is an unconfirmed hypothesis. That means we cannot confirm “talent” exists. Every single one of